Swick Law Firm, LLC

A Thousand Miles Pic
Picture of Ron A. Swick

Ron A. Swick

Family Law Attorney and Owner of Swick Law Firm, LLC

A Thousand Miles

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It’s among those classic quotes you might see on one of those inspirational posters in someone’s office. It might be overused, but it’s exactly the point of my post today. As the first portion of 2019 rockets forward without mercy to its unwitting passengers, I am reminded of the truth found within those words. For me, it expresses an unavoidable fact that no matter where you might find yourself looking out into the distance, you will remain there, in that exact spot, until you take action. Like a mirage in the desert, “where you want to be” just shimmers in the distance getting no closer. It seems it was a notion worth contemplating for an eastern philosopher somewhere in the 6th Century BC and it’s worth contemplating today. I’m not sure what was happening in Lao Tzu’s life when he wrote it, but in 2019 a contemporary man sat silently and thought about what steps he needed to take.

Personally, 2018 was probably the worst year of my life. The firm I worked for closed, I lost two family members, struggled to find a new direction for my practice, and ended up in a precarious financial position. I’ll resist the urge to spin it into some cliché about “new beginnings” and closed doors leading to open windows. Placing a positive spin on it serves no other purpose than to encourage myself to stand in place hopeful for rescue, while ignoring the centuries old wisdom of a simple Chinese proverb.

I suppose we stand in place because it’s easy. Sometimes we move because where we want to be is visible and the path is clear, but we don’t always move toward something. In fact, in my business, I encounter those, who like me, are really moving AWAY from something. Where exactly they’re going is not as clear as the futility of where they are at that moment. So, there we often find ourselves, ankle deep in the sand, knowing that something has to change. We peer off into the distance and there it is, the shimmering ideal place. The problem is that the path is never straight and you can see as you look out over the expanse that there will be mountains to climb, rivers to cross and monsters to slay.

For those whose journey involves some legal obstacle, you’ve probably spent a lot of time thinking about monsters and nothing seems to lock people in place like a potential legal battle and I completely understand. I’ve gone head to head with more than a few attorneys who specialize in making the journey feel as long and as arduous as possible. As a result of lawyer stereotypes and the legal industry’s over-inflated opinion if itself, we require that certain relief be gained within a space which most citizens are afraid of entering. This is the reason I frequently encounter couples who have been separated for years without divorcing, allowing the “marriage” to stay on the books in lieu of contacting an attorney. Often they both harbor misconceptions about what’s going to happen to them, their home, their assets, their businesses, and their children, if they take that first intimidating step. Perhaps they did divorce, but years later their Parenting Plan is now outdated, child support may be too high or too low, one party is paying maintenance when they shouldn’t, or one parent isn’t allowed to spend the appropriate amount time with their child.

What’s shocking is how long people can live with these inequities. The worst part is that while they remain standing in place, they’re losing their right to make certain claims! By the time the situation is bad enough that they actually contact a lawyer, they have a tangled mess on their hands. And so, that place where they want to be remains in the distance, a thousand miles away over messy, neglected terrain.

My own steps begin with a few things like making this post, staying connected with trusted friends in local businesses, and committing to managing my own firm, so that I have the flexibility to assist as many people as possible on their thousand-mile journey. Currently, I’m building a fully functioning home office with all the capabilities of a large firm. I’ll use it to break the stereotypes that cause people who need help to avoid picking up the phone. No high rise buildings with paid parking, no giant conference tables, no legal jargon, no hard sell, and no giant overhead costs to pay for. Instead, I’ll offer around-the-clock personal attention, a substantial reduction in price, and all the conveniences of today’s technology.That’s where I want to be and that’s how I’ll move far, far away from 2018. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, but I’m excited to do it and there’s instant relief in knowing you’re at least moving in the right direction.

2019 is a ride that requires no ticket, we’re all already aboard. It’s also a ride that will get you nowhere new, unless you make the first move. So, like this page! Message me a question! Call me to chat about the possible outcomes or the legal process! Let me use my years of family law experience to ease your mind and answer all your questions. It’s all completely free and 100% confidential. Start your thousand-mile journey right now. The good news is that you don’t have to walk it alone. Let’s take some of those first steps together.

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